Achieve Compliance

Simple2Call has been a telecom operator for 30 years in USA. This long journey as operator and its management team with long telecom experience have made sure we start right on compliance front - be it telecom regulation compliance or IT security compliance. Simple2Call has acquired needful authorisations from respective telecom regulators in our 2 key markets - USA and India. Telecom regulation has complexity related to various licensing, their scope of services, ongoing compliance needs, quarterly AGR pay-out contribution, universal service funds.

simple2call has all regulatory compliance

Benefits We Offer

IT Security is becoming critical in a digital economy. DoT Telecom license puts stringent compliance requirement for confidential customer data handling and Call Data Record storage. However Customers look forward to additional comfort of better processes and IT security compliance while handling call data and customer information. Simple2Call has initiated proactive steps in this direction for client comfort.

Our Products

Simple2Call Solution Satisfies your below Business Needs
US Market Telecom regulation Compliance
  • We hold FCC 214 authorisation for USA long distance services for 25+ years

India Market Telecom regulation Compliance
  • Audiotex license in India and UL-VNO ILDO & UL-VNO Access Cat-B licenses in India. Our UL-VNO Access Cat-B licenses are for SDCAs related to Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.

Dialler Compliance
  • Our Dialler engine complies to TCPA regulatory standards of USA ad Ofcom regulatory standards of UK markets. This gives you comfort that we can run international dial out campaigns complying to local rules and regulation.

STIR-SHAKEN telecom network protocol compliance
  • Telecom Regulatory compliance for USA & Canada markets

PCI DSS certification
  • We hold PCI DSS certification for 20+ years Give you comfort that we have needful process and systems to handle sensitive data like credit card, payment transactions

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test
  • We conduct Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test (VAPT) periodically on all our assets via a reputed 3rd party agency. Basis risk identified from time to time, systems are updated and submitted to the agency. Basis clean VAPT outcome, the agency issues PCI DSS certificate.

ISO27001 (ISMS), ISO27701 (PIMS) compliance
  • We have completed risk assessment and process documentation for ISO27001 (ISMS), ISO27701 (PIMS) standards for IT security compliance. We are going through additional steps to conduct certification audit via Tier 1 global certification agency.

Data Center Compliance
  • We use Tier 3 Data centres for hosting our infrastructure. They have sophisticated controls for physical access, temperature, AC & DC power backup and monitoring capabilities. These Data Centers comply to ISO27001, ISO20000-1, ISO9001, ISO45001, PCI DSS, SOC standards.

Contact Us

To discuss your needs and work out a customised solution, please contact our solution experts on
+91 8652908400
or or click to drop your details.