
Simple2Call (S2C) places great importance on the security of your data and only partners with vendors that adhere to the strictest security and data protection standards. S2C has implemented technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the security of your data. Information is stored on secure networks and access is restricted to those employees and partners who are entitled to access our systems.

This policy (the “Data Protection and Privacy Policy”) explains which personal data concerning you we collect when you visit our website (the “Website”), when and why we collect the personal data, how we use them, the conditions of our disclosure to third parties, as well has how we secure the stored personal data.

Please read the Data Protection and Privacy Policy thoroughly in order to understand how we process your personal data.

The Data Controller: Simple2Call, 136 & 137, Satra Plaza, Sector 19D, Off Palm Beach road, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400703 India. If you have any questions or concerns about S2C's personal data practices or your privacy rights, you may contact us at .

I. Executive Summary

S2C complies with data protection legislation and guidelines in the countries where it has locations. S2C does not collect and store user information in the form of cookies.

II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

S2C collects personally identifiable information in the following ways: Client Data - When a company subscribes to our S2C Services, we collect business contact data in the form of the following data from you:

  • First and last name
  • Job title
  • Company
  • Work email address
  • Phone number
  • Town/city/state
  • Country

All personal data collected will only be used to process your service registration and send you updates related to S2C and its services; invitations to events and webinars; notifications of new service and product information; and occasional special offers or announcements from selected S2C partners, if you have subscribed to these mailing lists. We do not sell personal data to anyone and only share it with third parties (Data Processors) who are facilitating the delivery of S2C services. Such data sharing is strictly governed by contractual arrangements with these Data Processors that are entered into keeping in mind relevant laws for Data Privacy, as applicable.

Human Resources Data

S2C is always looking for new employees, and we are always pleased to receive solicited job applications. If you wish to apply for a position with us, please apply directly through our website. When you submit your application for employment with S2C, we process your personal data in accordance with applicable personal data regulations. This implies that:

S2C has ensured that applicants have expressly authorized personal information to be transmitted to S2C for position consideration. Access to this personal data is restricted to relevant employees within S2C only. Your personal data are stored on secure servers in India. Any personal data received from you with your application will only be used for the purpose of processing your application and will not be disclosed, except to S2C's security-cleared data processors in connection with the recruitment procedure. Such data sharing is strictly governed by contractual arrangements with these Data Processors that are entered into keeping in mind relevant laws for Data Privacy, as applicable.

Events and S2C Conference Data

Individuals within companies provide their corporate information to register for an event. During Conference and event registration, where information is voluntarily provided during event signup, we collect the following information from you:

  • First and last name
  • Job title
  • Company
  • Work email address
  • Phone number
  • Town/city/state
  • Country

S2C events may be photographed and/or video/audio recorded for the purpose of reflecting the events in S2C publications and on the S2C website. We focus our efforts solely on the key note speakers and other voluntary participants from the audience, as well as the audience as a whole.

Website Visitor's Data

In general, website visitors do not need to provide personalized information to S2C. We do collect "aggregate data," that is, group data with no personal identifiers. We use this aggregate data to help us understand how the site is being used and to improve its usability. We also use it to enhance the quality and availability of products and services we offer.

If personal data is provided, and retained, it is only name, business contact email, and business contact phone number, which allow S2C to contact the visitor at his or her organization. S2C solely holds the information and engages in no contact-sharing program with other organizations. We only use this data to improve the visitor's website experience


When you send an inquiry to us through our contact form, we use the personal data that you have stated in the contact form to answer you. Any personal data received from you will not be used for any other purpose without your prior consent and knowledge and will not be disclosed. We rely on a legitimate interest as the lawful basis under applicable legal requirements for data privacy for the processing of data in connection to inquiries.

Duration of Storage

We will store your personal data until these are no longer necessary for us to process. In certain situations, it may be difficult to envisage an exact period.


We recognize that data protection and privacy is an ongoing responsibility, so we reserve our right to make changes to this Data Protection and Privacy Policy from time to time as we undertake new personal data practices or adopt new privacy policies, etc. If such changes are substantial, we will notify you via email, provided that we have your email address.