VRM (Virtual Relationship Manager)

Virtual Relationship Manager and Franchisees are key to success for any large Financial Services, Stock broking, Internet commerce organisation. Explore Simple2Call Custom-built VRM solution:

  • Location agnostic - One Virtual mobile number per VRM

  • Higher productivity - Mobile CLI generates 20% more call connects

  • Easy to use - Call from browser, No mobile app download, Quick search

  • Proven - In use by large financial & Internet services companies

  • IT Security compliance - 100% call recording with 256-bit encryption

  • Telecom regulatory compliance - Operates under DoT VNO license

Virtual Relationship Manager Simple2Call

Our Value proposition

Simple2call higher cloud calling in India

Increase Call Connects

20% more connect with India Mobile CLI

simple2call easy to use icon


Use browser or CRM click-to-call

simple2call SEBI compliance recording solution

SEBI Compliance

Temper-proof 100% Call recording, easy search

Simple2Call Security Compliance

IT Security compliance

ISO27001, Use Encryption & SecureFTP

Simple2Call Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance

DoT UL-VNO Access & ILD Licenses

Simple2Call Proven Track Record

Proven track record

Satisfied customer references

Our Products

We have successfully solved challenges like complexity in multi-locational use case, need for temper-proof call recording, mobile network quality issues & downtimes, difficulty in searching specific customer transaction and cumbersome usability for some other solution.

Operator Agnostic

Simple2Call Mobile CLI Icon

  • VRM can operate using any operator landline or mobile, office line, Internet, Browser or PBX extension. VRMs can be at office, home, one or multiple locations spread across India.

Network Diversity

Simple2Call SIP Trunk Icon
  • We assign one mobile and one landline virtual number to a VRM for network diversity and higher service uptime.

Protect Your Customer Data

Data Protection Icon Simple2Call
  • Customer will see VRM virtual number, not actual number of the calling VRM user. We mask call with landline or mobile number while calling out customer/ company for comfort of data privacy

Full-proof call recording solution

Simple2Call Call Recording Icon
  • 100% answered Calls are recorded & encrypted at rest. We securely transfer Call recording to CRM or your Server or AWS S3 for future reference. Compliance & quality monitoring teams can quickly search and play the call recording from our system.

Digital Backend Integration

Simple2Call API Solution
  • Use our SmartCall APIs for quick click-to-call, feed VRM call, call backs and disposition data into your CRM. This will allow you to generate reconciliation report between our recording and your transaction data. Out-of-box integration available with Leadsquared, Zoho, Salesforce.

Global Coverage

Widest Cloud Coverage Simple2Call
  • Presenting a local in-country CLI create virtual presence and higher call connects - research shows >2 times call connect vis-à-vis international CLI. We enable VRM for Global calling in 70+ countries. Call by VRM presents local CLI in local format e.g. Call in Singapore shows 06234…. And not +656234.

Case Study

How India's the largest Asset Management Company achieved higher call connect

VRMs are allocated a bunch of high net-worth customers and their job is to be in touch to sell, upsell upcoming company products and services. VRMs carry target to call and connect with certain number of customers. Study how Simple2Call delivered higher productivity, deep IT system integration and consistent performance at large scale VRM user base.

BPO Case Study Simple2Call

Contact Us

To discuss your needs and work out a customised solution, please contact our solution experts on
+91 8652908400
or sales@simple2call.com or click to drop your details.